As I sit here calming I keep asking myself the same question. Is that boat getting closer?
It doesn’t matter how many youTube videos I watched, forum posts or sailing manuals I read. I have no idea if we set the anchor right. We set an anchor alarm, we both bought the premium version, like pay $3 a month going to somehow help. We’re both kinda freaking out but I’m playing it cool for Jaclyn, at least the dogs don’t care. They are passed out in the cockpit.
Neither of us believed we would make it here today. We half heartedly packed, loosely planned with maybe’s and if we make it caveats. We did pack essentials, some food, extra fuel… Full disclosure I forgot to pack extra underwear, one pair will have to do. We’re both goal focused, the goal today was practice anchoring. Check!
We motored from our marina, into the Straight of Georgia, on to the Howe Sound, rounded Bowen Island on to our destination Port Graves. Our weather was hot and the wind was too light for us to move the boat, our motor disappointingly did most of the work. I think nerves had gotten to us. We were rushing to any anchorage to get this anchoring practice dealt with.
Upon arrival, panic, there are boats everywhere. Googling how to pick a spot in an anchorage. Thank you . Pictures work best when I’m totally out of my depth.

We followed Sailing Virgins Anchoring videos We stuffed rule number one epicly. We were shouting at each other waving our arms, but in the end we got the job done.

The dogs had firsts too they had to learn about going to shore in the dinghy. They were absolute champs, by the end of the first day they barely needed our help. We went for a short ding and a hike. Gambier is a beautiful place, had we packed properly we’d have proper shoes, so a short hike will have to do.
Classic rookie mistake we didn’t account for the rising tide. So we (had a little fight) and repositioned, my next boat will have an electric windlass.

After a great night and a small wedding anniversary celebration. We slept semi soundly in our new anchor spot, resting for tomorrows departure.